Changing the narrative

Our Story

When our founder, Olivia Kumpula, moved to Finland, she spent the first few years trying to find her place in her new home country. Through her expat blog and YouTube channel, ‘My Finland Story’, she documented her life and experiences in Finland and shared tips for integrating into Finland’s society and culture. She also started an interactive club on Clubhouse called ‘The Finns and Foreigners Club’. Through connections made in the club, she realized that almost all international professionals encounter similar challenges which hinder them from utilizing their skills and transitioning into the Finnish workforce. Although a number of resources are available, many internationals still have trouble locating these resources and applying them to their personal situations. In 2021, Olivia assembled a team of professionals and International Professionals Finland ry was born.

Our Mission Statement

Providing a support network and tailored guidance to help international professionals in Finland overcome barriers, utilize their skills, and build meaningful careers.

Our Vision

An inclusive Finland with a balanced workforce that thrives on the strengths of both local and international expertise.

Our Values



We believe that there is an inherent ability in every single one of us which can be nurtured and developed to the fullest capacity.



We believe that all humans deserve to be seen in the totality of their existence, not just in the fragment of the present, but as an entity with a past, skills, and identity that should be recognised.



We believe that underutilization of professional skills and training amounts to brain waste, and that harnessing the skills and talents inherent in a society enriches its economy.



We believe that Growth is a natural occurrence which is vital to human existence and wellbeing, and that everyone deserves a chance to grow professionally, economically, and in other areas they need to grow in.



We believe that a society is at its best if all who live within it are carried along in all areas, with none left devoid of the feeling of belongingness.

What We Do

Through a diverse range of programs and services, we assist international professionals qualified for a profession abroad to overcome obstacles hindering them from utilizing their skills in Finland. We provide customised support as well as mentorship and networking opportunities. We also offer one-on-one guidance as they take huge career steps toward transitioning into the Finnish workforce and advancing their skillset to contribute to the society they now call home.

About us in 60 seconds.

In English

In Finnish

Meet our Chairperson

Henriika Ilkko

Henriika has successfully led numerous projects and excelled in IT, Quality Management and Project Management Office (PMO) functions in her impressive career. In her role as Chairperson, Henriika plays a crucial role in guiding our organization’s strategic direction, fostering growth, and ensuring continued excellence in all our endeavors. 

Meet the Team

We are made up  of an amazing team of staff, interns and volunteers, working either backstage or upfront to help bring the association’s vision to light. You are welcome to join the team.

Olivia Kumpula

Olivia Kumpula


Matthew Bowen

Matthew Bowen


Meha Bouazizi

Meha Bouazizi

Media / Marketing

Temitope Popoola

Temitope Popoola

Funding / Project Coordinator